Proiect ROSE


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Activitati Erasmus

Erasmus +





      First Day (14.06.2021) -  photos

- Welcoming and virtual School tour

- Presentations of participants (school, courses, students, etc).

- Students preparation of journal of the project, preparation of activities.

- Technical workshop: Why analyse water?

- Press conference/Group Interview/online questionaire


      Second Day (15.06.2021) - movie

      Field activities

- Water sample collection by partners, in rivers and other locations, with live video broadcast, and water analysis on site. (River Jiu, River Tagus, River Kamnik)

- Measurement of temperature, humidity, gas analysis, and the level of noise with Arduino board

- Determining the color (Hanna), NO2- (Hanna, Visocolor, JBL Pro Scan), total hardness (VisoColor, JBL Pro Scan), NH4+ (JBL Pro Scan),  pH (pH paper, pHmeter, JBL Pro Scan), conductivity (conductometru), total alkalinity ([ (JBL Pro Scan) , temperature (conductometru and pHmetru)

Lab activities

- Water analisys, with live video broadcast

- LAB 1- Lab analysis of water samples collected in the morning.

- LAB 2 - Tap Water/ bottled water +aquarium/lake water analysis.

- Calciu, Magneziu, Ca2+, Mg2+, total hardness  for 6 types of water.

- Students share the results and present conclusions in videoconference


       Day 3 (16.06.2020) - movie

 Lab work: Water samples analysis

Aquariums and paludariums: Animals and plants: Water and environment specifications.

Maintaining an artificial habitat: protocols and procedures.

Presentations and Q&A:Portuguese students' Professional Aptitude Exams, Romanian presentation

Lab. 1

15:00 - Diogo Afonso (PT) - Renewable Energies

16:00 - Inês Sobreira (PT) - Lab work: Microplastics

Lab. 2

15:00 - Bruna Gameiro (PT) - Endangered Species - Iberian Lynx

16:00 - Romanian project presentation



       Day four (17.06.2021) - movie

   Analysis of results  - student’s presentations

-Device for assessing air quality, determination of temperature and atmospheric humidity and noise level (students: Pasare Bianca, Lungu Izabela, Costoiu Vasile, Draghici Sorana, Eftenie Sorina)

- Volumetric methods of analysis for the determination of Calcium, Magnesium and Total Hardness (students: Neicuțescu Ciprian, Popescu Aida, Popescu Bianca)

- Using conductometer and pH-meter to determine conductivity and pH of drinkable/non-drinkable water (students: Popescu GraÈ›iela, Sgândăr Mădălina, Păun Irina, Dugaia Bianca)

- Using JBL PROSCAN App. determine chimical and phisoco-chemical properties of drinkable/nondrinkable water (students: Aninoiu Emanuela, Merfu Bianca, Cârstos Ileana)

- Determining the water parameters using the  Visocolor Kit (students: Badea Georgiana, Șerban Cristina, Boian Loredana, Vladu Alexendru)


Presentations and Q&A:Portuguese students' aprenticeships presentations;


13:00 - Eliana Proença (PT)- Water quality: Lab work

14:00 - André Jacinto (PT)- Water systems monitoring


13:00 - Bruna Gameiro (PT) - Water usage in urban green spaces

14:00 - "Plastic Pirates" Slovenia



Day five (18.06.2021) movie

Final activity: Quizz for student evaluation. Analysis of results

Cultural activities: Portuguese culture, history, traditions, arts.

-Presentation of Portugal

-Presentation of Romania

-Presentation of Slovenia

-Presentation  of Portugal seen by students from the project


 Language activities: Learning Portuguese+ Participants learn some PT language words and sentences.

 Farewell to all participants.

 Coordinators meeting